Thursday, December 6, 2012

1 Week 2 Days Post-Op

Today I am 1 week 2 days post op. I am already down a little over 14lbs and my rings are starting to feel loose. I had a scare one week post op where I was feeling some pain in my leg. I went to the hospital because I would rather be safe than sorry. They ended up doing a leg ultrasound to rule out blood clots which if gone untreated can result in death. Good news. There were no clots and I was being paranoid. The morning I experienced these pains was also the first day that I had not taken pain meds. The doctors all think that I had this pain all along from walking funny after surgery, only I didn't feel it until then because of the narcotics I was prescribed for pain. Everything seems to be going okay now. I am having a little difficulty getting in all 60 grams of protein that I need daily. I just get so full so easily that it can be hard on me. I do get nauseous from time to time where I am unable to eat without becoming sick. Hopefully once I get back to eating solid foods I will no longer suffer from nausea!  I have not taken measurements of my body because I am still slightly swollen in the belly and I still have my staples. The staples will hopefully be removed tomorrow morning at my 10-day post-op follow up appointment. If so I will take additional photos and upload them. I am also skipping the profile photos this week because I don't think that they are comparable to the ones last week. I will however post a photo of my staples from 7-days post op.

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