Monday, November 26, 2012

1 Day Pre-Op

Tomorrow is the big day! Roughly 24 hours from now I will be admitted to the hospital for my Gastric Bypass! I just dropped Anthony off at work and I am getting ready to go to my last Pre-Op appointment. They will be doing labs to make sure I haven't been smoking, drinking alcohol, and to make sure I have been taking my supplements and vitamins properly. They will also go in depth with me about the surgical process from the very beginning to the end. I promised before photos, and I'm finally getting around to uploading them. I am a pretty big procrastinator and like to wait until the last minute to do everything. haha.

Here they are:

Looking at these photographs, I feel like, "That's not me. That's not who I see in the mirror." I feel like I see my personality more than my physical self. I hope to see physical beauty as well as inner beauty after my bypass. Every woman deserves to feel beautiful and physically desired.

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