Wednesday, November 21, 2012

1 Week Pre-Op

Technically, yesterday I was 1 week Pre-Op. I am excited and still looking forward to my surgery. I was told that I have to get a catheter prior to surgery and I think I am more afraid of getting that done than the actual procedure! Thanksgiving is tomorrow and that will be the last huge meal that I have. We are making Turkey, obviously. We are also going to have baked macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, deviled eggs, pigs in a blanket, caramel apple cheesecake, stuffing, steamed broccoli and cauliflour, and cabbage! Every year after we eat we decorate our Christmas tree and the house. It is my favorite time of the year! We will probably end up making Christmas cookies tomorrow night too, since I won't be able to have then in December. I will take pictures of everything and post them for all to see! I will also post photos of myself at my pre-surgery weight and will take my body measurements again probably the day before surgery! Only 6 days to go!

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