Thursday, October 18, 2012

Final Clearance!

Today I went to my final clearance appointment and scheduled my surgery date! My surgeon went over what my goals afterwards should be and how to achieve them. My height today was 5' 3/4" and my weight was 252.03 lbs. making my BMI over 45. I have an excess of around 134 lbs. and My surgeon wants me to aim for a goal weight between 130-150 lbs. I however would like to strive for a lower weight in case I end up gaining a small portion back - this way I still won't be overweight if that happens... My Pre-op and Pre-admissions appointment is set for November 15th and my surgery is scheduled for November 27th. I am so excited about the surgery and I am ready to be healthy again! Also, today marks 3 weeks without any type of soda, caffeine, or carbonated beverages! I am glad that i will be able to enjoy Thanksgiving with my family and friends before surgery, but I am going to be sure not to gorge myself and make sure that I give all leftovers away! I am also thankful that my surgeon doesn't see a need for me to do a pre-op liquid diet! I will update again after my pre-op appointment and then again after surgery! Soon it will be time for my before photos!!!

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